AI Background

Dallas AI

Your artificial intelligence (AI) solution for concrete, real-world problems.

Located in Dallas, Texas USA.

Image Recognition

Dallas AI prides itself on tackling any artificial intelligence project with real-world solutions. Image recognition is no exception. We use similar technology to that commonly seen in Facebook’s auto-tag feature to recognize and identify the individual in any image.

Used for needs as ordinary as organizing your digital photo album to noteworthy instances like catching a criminal by recognizing their face on a photo, image recognition AI technology helps you literally put a name to a face.

Speech Recognition

We recognize your voice, sometimes even better than your own friends!

Our speech recognition AI is able to capture your unique tone of voice, inflection, and speech to perform a variety of services, from transcribing your texts and grocery lists to allowing you to turn on features in your home remotely with a simple phrase.

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Traffic Prediction

Want to know where a construction zone will block your path or how long it will take you to get to work in rush hour traffic? Dallas AI powered traffic prediction makes your drive time smoother by letting you know when, where, and how the traffic will behave in your area at that specific time of day. Dallas AI powered traffic prediction feature will help you avoid traffic when you can, and take the fastest (and safest!) route wherever you need to go.

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Product Recommendations

Sure, internet ads can be annoying, but they can also be helpful.

Remember that product you just purchased? Where did you hear about it? Probably from an ad curated to your needs and preferences. Let Dallas AI take the guesswork out of your next shopping trip by integrating our product recommendation technology into your browser. We can help you curate and find products that better your life and that are relevant to your current living situation. Say goodbye to the days of seeing ads for blood pressure medicine when you’re low risk and 25 years-old and hello to product recommendations that you’ll actually take into consideration next time you go online shopping.

Self Driving Cars

Self-driving cars are the new AI frontier as technology finally catches up with human ingenuity. Dallas AI powered self-driving cars will get you where you need to go safer than traditional cars powered by humans that tend to drive while they’re distracted, tired, or intoxicated. Our self-driving cars will do everything from auto-correcting when you start drifting out of your lane to parallel parking in a tight spot. As technology advances, our hope is to create a self-driving car where you can simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, with or without your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.

Email Spam and Malware Filtering

Spam emails can be dangerous, and can contain malware that will infect your computer and steal your private information.

Our AI technology is able to filter spam emails from important emails you trust, blocking and deleting spam before malware has a chance to get into your computer’s hard drive.

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Personal Assistant

Dallas AI powered personal assistants do it all and then some. Use voice commands to do anything from scheduling your next doctor’s appointment and calling your mom to turning on your heat and unlocking your door. Our personal assistants will even set up reminders for you to text your best friend on her birthday, send a card to grandma, or help you remember to pick up your prescription after work. Let us do the heavy lifting for you, so you can go back to enjoying your day.

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Fraud Detection

The online marketplace is full of possibilities, but there’s also a lot of fraudulent accounts out there waiting to steal your information. With Dallas AI powered online fraud detection service, never worry about an online transaction or payment again. We automatically detect if a merchant or seller is fraudulent and hold your payment until it’s been secured. No more worrying that your credit card info will get stolen when you purchase from certain sites—we’ve got you covered!

Stock Market Trading

Looking to invest but don’t want to lose it all on one bad trade? Let our Dallas AI stock market trading service do it for you! Our technology will pick investments that increase your portfolio over time, making sure you don’t lose out on a risky investment, while also cashing in big with our real-time predictions of stock market trends.

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Medical Diagnosis Background

Medical Diagnosis

As medicine advances, so does the technology that accompanies it. We’re working to create technology that predicts medical patterns before they even happen, helping you stay ahead of your diagnosis before it becomes problematic. Using your medical and family history, our technology analyzes patterns and helps you stay healthier through preventative medicine and regular check-ups. Our AI can also pinpoint problems right from the outset, tackling tumors and diseases before they can cause life-altering problems to your health.

Automatic Language Translation

Traveling to a place or talking with a person who doesn’t speak the same language as you? Language books are a thing of the past when you use our automatic language translation feature to translate in real time what you’re saying into the language of the person you’re speaking with. Communicate without having to skip a beat with our premium technology.

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Want to learn more about Dallas AI or start using one of our services? Reach out to us today and we’ll be in touch!